If you have a modern enough car, you will be surprised at how much your car is limited from its true potential. However, you can tune your stock car to make it more aggressive, responsive and remove any limitations from the manufacturer. We understand that some instances you might need an ECU to test your own machine to see if that is the problem, We don’t have a problem sending these out for testing, But if that’s what you are doing please let us know when you check out. Tuning a stock car will not gain you a lot of horsepower. *Part Number matching: when Polaris tunes these ecus they put a sticker over top of the actual part sticker, so if in question you can remove the top sticker to see the ecu model. tuning the stock ecu you can engage the knock sensor feedback where ever you like, but as stated in a previous thread high rpm/power/boost can result in 'engine noise' that the knock sensor hears as knock and will shift into knock maps. If tuning with Ecutek a new ECUtek licence will need to be purchased, we have these on hand and will provide them with our tuning service for a fee, we also have ECUTek cable and tuning kits on.
The software allows you to unlock these feature and get the full potential out of your ECU. This is the result of years of reading out hundreds of modules pulled from salvage yards as well as customer vehicles and fresh flashes from SPS. M17.8.7 - Is the ECU with pins in one plug, it is the older style mostly on rangers and 900xp rzrs etc. We stock COBB AP’s if you need to purchase prior to your tune, and also offer discount incentives when an Accessport is purchased with a custom tune. The stock Suzuki Engine ECU contains a lot of advanced features that many owners are not even aware of. Your vehicles computer is set to monitor a multitude of things, so if you start changing how much air and fuel your car requires, your stock ECU will. After spending a couple years always searching for the right OS to segment swap from with HPtuners I put together this collection of stock tune files to make my life easier. Everything about chip tuning, and if it has any adverse effect on Engines Is it becoming more and more common even from the original conception of the manufacturers, then can chip tuning have the. ME17.9.74 Compatible Models: Click Here for TUNED Ecus.

Click “Add to Cart” Then select which machine you have that you want a stock ECU for and we will make you one on a guaranteed good ecu.